Thanks Lynn and Kevin! It was great. Tony is awesome and the Tech guy was too. So appreciate the support. Tony did my Cert 1 while we were at it which is great. All three of our rockets flew and collected data. One rocket had a motor malfunction and blew up but the payload survived and we even got data from it! Not even NASA can do that! LOL. Here are some Pics and data. I would like to make S4 a regular program here at Piner. As I said earlier we have a dedicated S4 lab that is really nice. The students started the instrument packs and rockets in January. We started with a Jiggy Bot. They helped with the lab remodel and outfitting it with the soldering stations. To comply with my district, we did all work after school and on weekends. I had about 15 students actively involved but due to sports etc, there were a core of 8 students that completed most of the work. The kids have loved it and soaked it up. I had a lot of students watch our progress and said they wanted to participate next year. I hope NASA continues to support it, I know NASA is a mess right now but I hope they continue to support it. It would be a shame to develop this and then let it die. It is everything STEM and Maker which are the current focus. The S4 instructions are the best. You did an outstanding job with them and the Kits Tony put together are top notch. I asked Tony if I could purchase more kits for next year and he wasn’t sure due to NASA commitment. For planning purposes if you could let me know as soon as you know what to expect for next year, it would be appreciated. We are currently trying to find a local launch site so we can do G motor launches. Thanks again and please keep in touch.
Kurt Kruger

On 5/19/14 4:08 PM, "Lynn Cominsky" <> wrote:
> Congrats on a successful L1 flight! If you have any photos from last
> weekend's launches, I would love to see them, and we will post some.
> Also data.
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2014, Kurt Kruger wrote:
>> Hi Lynn. Thank you so much for the kind words. And thank you for sending
>> Tom. We had 350-400 show and we were quite happy with the turnout. Yes we
>> are doing S4 in my spare time. LOL. The kids have their instrument packs
>> mostly done. We are having a little trouble testing the WiFi do to our
>> network configurations. The sensors have all been tested. We also have the
>> Rockets from Tony 90% done. We did know the TCC launch was canceled and are
>> hoping to do the Dairy Aire in Mid May. I have a conflict I am trying to
>> deal with. We have a dedicated S4 lab we set up and yes, I plan on
>> continuing this project into the future. It is a great project and the kids
>> love it. We have been doing it after school and on weekends. We did
>> finally get approval from my district to participate in rocket launches.
>> The kids have to sign their lives away but at least it allows us to
>> continue. It was quite the process. Keep in touch.
>> Kurt
>> On 4/14/14 10:16 PM, "Lynn Cominsky" <> wrote:
>>> I am sorry to have missed your wonderful open house event last Friday,
>>> but I had a previous commitment. I know you met Tom Targett, our
>>> visiting faculty member, who attended in my stead. Congrats on
>>> accomplishing the (nearly) impossible! I can't wait to see your new
>>> building at a future date.
>>> How are your S4 plans shaping up? I did not see you on the Balloon fest
>>> list, and you should know that the April TCC launch is cancelled (long
>>> story). Their next launch is going to be Dairy Aire in Mid-May. Hope
>>> you still had time to work on this project with everything else
>>> that has been going on! -lynnc
>>> On Mon, 10 Feb 2014, Kurt Kruger wrote:
>>>> Great. Thanks Lynn. I know you must be extremely busy so no worries. As
>>>> am I. And yes, Tony did tell me about the insurance. Thanks!
>>>> Kurt
>>>> On 2/1/14 9:04 PM, "Lynn Cominsky" <> wrote:
>>>>> Also we are starting to build our second cubesat. There are many projects
>>>>> involving analyzing data from the first cubesat. I will see if we have
>>>>> the time to involve HS students and let you know. There are alot of
>>>>> SSU and now SRJC students who are getting in on the program.
>>>>> You can see the website at:
>>>>> -lynnc
>>>>> On Wed, 29 Jan 2014, Kurt Kruger wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Lynn,
>>>>>> Thanks for all the info over the course of the year. Just wanted to
>>>>>> touch
>>>>>> base. We meet with Tony today to get our rocket kits today. I am having
>>>>>> difficulty with my district regarding rocketry. Rocketry is banned under
>>>>>> their insurance policy (RESIG). I am trying to get a work around. I
>>>>>> also
>>>>>> asked Tony to get me the waiver that we filled out at the launch in
>>>>>> Palmdale
>>>>>> to show my district. Would be devastating if we cannot launch. Anyway,
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> I mentioned before, we have taken over a lab at Piner specifically for S4
>>>>>> Activities. We are outfitting it now...I have tremendous student
>>>>>> interest.
>>>>>> I did see the PD article about the cube-sats....super cool. I don’t know
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> this is in the works, but I would love to get my students involved in a
>>>>>> cube-sat project in the next year or two. I have some very motivated
>>>>>> students, and in particular, a very talented young lady who would love to
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> involved. We talked about it yesterday and she and her friends would
>>>>>> love
>>>>>> to tackle such a project. Let me know if you think in the future this
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> be a possibility. Talk to you soon.
>>>>>> Kurt Kruger
>>>>>> On 1/17/14 12:15 PM, "Lynn Cominsky" <> wrote:
>>>>>>> SOunds great! I hope we can come over before April and see your lab,
>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>> The School of Science and Tech here at SSU is reviewing a proposal from
>>>>>>> Piner for STEM early entrants to SSU. It looked great and I was happy to
>>>>>>> see S4 mentioned there. Did you see the article in the PD about my
>>>>>>> husband and my students who built a satellite? That's the next step
>>>>>>> after rocketry :-)
>>>>>>> On Fri, 17 Jan 2014, Kurt Kruger wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Lynn! This semester I have my students working on S4. We actually
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> made our own S4 Lab dedicated to everything S4. We do plan on
>>>>>>>> attending
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> rocket launch. Probably the April 19th launch. DairyAire looks
>>>>>>>> interesting
>>>>>>>> too. We may go to the Balloon Fest too. I need to check with my S4
>>>>>>>> club
>>>>>>>> students to confirm. Hope all is well
>>>>>>>> I would like 2 of the Rocket Kits too.
>>>>>>>> Thanks Lynn!
>>>>>>>> Kurt Kruger
>>>>>>>> On 1/13/14 10:26 PM, "Lynn Cominsky" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello S4 teachers!
>>>>>>>>> This email has several purposes - please read through the entire mail
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>> sure you are not missing anything.
>>>>>>>>> 1) For the teachers who have already received parts - please let me
>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>> you will be ready to fly your payloads and what events you are
>>>>>>>>> planning on attending (if any) with your students where you would
>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>>>> support. This Saturday (1/18), Kevin John will be going to Moffett
>>>>>>>>> Field for a low power rocket launch. He may have some model rockets
>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>> Tony
>>>>>>>>> that can fly the S4 payloads. James Manley is planning on being there >>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> is anyone else going? Snow Ranch (the HP site near Stockton) is not
>>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>>> since it has not yet rained.
>>>>>>>>> 2) Future plans for rocket launches - since Snow Ranch is looking
>>>>>>>>> iffy,
>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>> are probably going to support at least one HP launch with Tripoli
>>>>>>>>> Central
>>>>>>>>> California - they launch near Fresno, and don't care that it has not
>>>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>>>> rained. Here is their schedule for the semester:
>>>>>>>>> * Saturday February 15th 2014
>>>>>>>>> * - Saturday March 15th 2014
>>>>>>>>> * - Saturday April 19th 2014
>>>>>>>>> * - DairyAire - Friday May 16th, 17th, 18th (night launch on Saturday
>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>> 6:00pm or dark to 10:00pm) 2014 "DAIRY AIRE"
>>>>>>>>> And here is their website for directions to the launch site:
>>>>>>>>> Please let me know right away if you are planning on going to any of
>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>> launches with your students.
>>>>>>>>> 3) Balloon Fest - May 3 in Paso Robles. We are planning on attending
>>>>>>>>> this,
>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>> let me know if instead you want to go to this event
>>>>>>>>> with your students. Here is the website - you will need to register
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> advance with Steve Kliewer so he knows to expect you.
>>>>>>>>> then click on the link that says Championship
>>>>>>>>> Balloon
>>>>>>>>> Fest.
>>>>>>>>> 4) Rocket kits - Tony will shortly be shipping the model rocket kits
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> those
>>>>>>>>> who would like to buy them. Each is about $60 and will
>>>>>>>>> fly to about 800 feet with a G-80 motor. They have really parachutes
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>> so you can collect a lot of data on the
>>>>>>>>> way back down. Tony is also creating a series of videos which we
>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> link
>>>>>>>>> from the site,
>>>>>>>>> but you can watch them as they appear in lower resolution on YouTube >>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>> search for S4 tfish38 and they will show up. At the
>>>>>>>>> end of the first one, the model rocket with the G-80 motor is shown
>>>>>>>>> launching
>>>>>>>>> at Black Rock. Right now there are 3 up there:
>>>>>>>>> Introduction, Build part 2 and Build part 3. There will be a few more
>>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>> he is done.
>>>>>>>>> 5) Teachers who have not yet gotten their parts - let me know if you
>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>> want to stick with your original order numbers. We will be
>>>>>>>>> ordering the parts for your students very soon but I need you to
>>>>>>>>> confirm
>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>> original order amounts.
>>>>>>>>> 6) We will be having WestEd contact you to see how things are going
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>> some limited interviewing about how your
>>>>>>>>> construction process went. They will also want to attend some events
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>> the students fly the payloads. So we really need to hear from you
>>>>>>>>> about your plans and schedules for the semester. Don't forget that
>>>>>>>>> once
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> have had your students fly the payloads, you will get
>>>>>>>>> another $500 stipend for completing these evaluations.
>>>>>>>>> As always, let us know how we can help you and thanks for
>>>>>>>>> participating!